Urban Flowers Chicago

  • Crimson Crescendo

Crimson Crescendo


Crimson Crescendo


vibrant roses, their petals delicately unfurling to reveal their beauty. Interspersed among the roses are clusters of prickly thistle, adding a unique texture and contrast. Beneath the blooms, rich soil provides a natural base, while patches of vibrant green moss peek through, adding a touch of woodland charm to the arrangement. The overall effect is a harmonious blend of elegance and earthiness, making it a striking centerpiece for any setting

substitution may be made but it will look amazing 👌🏽)

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vibrant roses, their petals delicately unfurling to reveal their beauty. Interspersed among the roses are clusters of prickly thistle, adding a unique texture and contrast. Beneath the blooms, rich soil provides a natural base, while patches of vibrant green moss peek through, adding a touch of woodland charm to the arrangement. The overall effect is a harmonious blend of elegance and earthiness, making it a striking centerpiece for any setting

substitution may be made but it will look amazing 👌🏽)