Urban Flowers Chicago

  • Passionate Crimson Bouquet

Passionate Crimson Bouquet


Passionate Crimson Bouquet


Red roses, the passionate ambassador of love, boast velvety petals that speak the language of desire and romance. their vibrant hue symbolizes deep emotions and timeless affection, making them the classic choice for declaration of love.

24 red roses, perfectly wrapped in Kraft paper, tied with a sleek black ribbon

(substitution may be made but it will look amazing 👌🏽)

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Red roses, the passionate ambassador of love, boast velvety petals that speak the language of desire and romance. their vibrant hue symbolizes deep emotions and timeless affection, making them the classic choice for declaration of love.

24 red roses, perfectly wrapped in Kraft paper, tied with a sleek black ribbon

(substitution may be made but it will look amazing 👌🏽)